Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A day to remember : 18 May 2011

Do you immediately feel happy when you meet someone so popular and you know that someone will live with you from the day onwards? But then, I speculate - “Do he/she be good to me?” “How should I make he/she happy” “What shall I do?” Bla...Bla...Bla...

And then I planing {sort of planing } - “Need to do this and that in order to make him/her happy”, and think back of my vision and mission.

Well, after all those years of struggling,

On the 16th of May 2011 - I go to bank to withdraw my money and ask the banker to issue a cheque for my future 2nd hand sewing machine.

On 18th of May 2011 - the 3rd** time I invite a famous people to home. I proudly announce, her name is BERNINA Aurora 440QE. I hope she don’t mind if my place is small. I hope I will get along with her and on the day onwards I hope that we will be a very good friend and share our vision and mission together.

Do you feel happy of inviting/getting something? I use ‘invite’ here, because I respect the thing. Not only the thing, but the people invent the thing. Do you feel they are brilliant? I feel that they are awesome!

**Although the first two famous people are not so secret, but I would like to keep it for my own. I just want to be honest to you that she is 3rd famous people I invite to home. ^.^


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